挑発・金鹿の学級 The Golden Deer Rise
(訓練場 昼)
Training Grounds | Daytime
クロード: 模擬戦ね。さて、どうしたもんか……。
Claude: Time for a mock battle, eh? Hmm, how should we go about this...
Well, you'll be our commander, that much is for sure. Just don't screw it up and everything'll be great. Got it, Teach?
Choice 1 問題ない I'm not concerned.
Choice 2 任せてくれ Leave it to me.
クロード: ……俺は俺でやれることをやるか。相手の飯に、こっそり腹痛になる薬を……。
Claude: Right. I'll do whatever I can to help too. I mean, I'm kind of obligated to. For example! If I add a little something to their food to upset their stomachs...
Byleth: やめておけ Don't even think about it.
クロード: わかってるわかってる。先生は何も知らない、そういうことだな?
Claude: Yeah, yeah, wink, wink. I read you. You can't officially condone that sort of thing, right?
But say, hypothetically speaking, students from the other houses started racing to the infirmary...
As far as anyone knows, it could just be a harmless little stomach bug making the rounds.
Yeah, yeah, wink, wink. I read you. ???
エーデルガルト: あら、面白そうな話をしているのね。私たちも交ぜてくれるかしら?
Edelgard: Well, well. What a fascinating conversation you two are having. May we join?
ディミトリ: よくもまあ、薬を盛るだなんてあくどいことを考えるな、お前は。
Dimitri: Claude, I can't believe you would stoop to such crooked schemes to gain the advantage. Have you no honor?
クロード: あっはは、本当にやるならこんなところで話さない。策は戦場でのお楽しみさ。
Claude: If that was really my scheme, I wouldn't be talking about it out in the open. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until our battle to see what's really in store.
エーデルガルト: ……まあいいわ。貴方たちが何を仕掛けてきても、叩き潰すだけだもの。
Edelgard: It's irrelevant anyhow. Whatever you have planned won't save you from a crushing defeat.
ディミトリ: そうだな。むしろ、お前たちがどんな策で来るのか、楽しみなくらいだ。
Dimitri: She has a point. Still, I'm rather eager to see what sort of scheme that mind of yours conjures up.
クロード: だってよ、先生。期待されてるなあ。
Claude: You heard 'em, Teach. We can't let these fine folks down.
Choice 1: 正々堂々勝負 It will be a fair fight.
クロード: そうそう、正々堂々……って言っておいて引っかけるつもりとは、先生、やるな。
Claude: Heh, of course. A fair fight, as all fights are. Good one, Teach. Play innocent now so they won't see it coming.
Choice 2: 期待に応えよう If they insist. *Claude up
クロード: 本気か、先生? ま、あくどいのがお好みなら俺はいくらでも付き合うけどな。
Claude: Are you serious, Teach? Well, if a crooked scheme is really what you're after, I've got more than a few of those up my sleeve.
マヌエラ: あらあら、みんな揃ってお喋りかしら?すっかり仲良くなったようね。
Manuela: Aw, how precious. Looks like you and the students have become fast friends.
ハンネマン: 君たちが親睦を深めるのは大変結構だが、そろそろ作戦会議の時間だ。
Hanneman: While I am pleased that you are taking the initiative to acquaint yourself with the students, I'm afraid it's about time for the faculty strategy meeting.
ディミトリ: すみません。すぐに戻ります。……それじゃ、2人とも。また戦場で。
Dimitri: I'm sorry, Professors. It's about time I returned to my training anyhow. Claude. Edelgard. Until we meet again on the battlefield, farewell.
エーデルガルト: 貴方たちの力量、確かめさせてもらうわ。
Edelgard: I look forward to assessing your abilities. I hope you don't disappoint.